Scoreland Review

I have been a fan of Score Magazine since they were on newsstands in the early 90’s! Although I was not old enough to buy them until a year after I graduated high school. I have actually subscribed to them periodically and I jumped at the chance to review this site. First of all, There are over 900 Big Tit Models to choose from when you are a member! Now most of these women have video as well as images from 1600×1200 to the smaller, and older sets that are 1024 in length or width. The video is pretty comprehensive, although in order to download the HD Movies, you will need to be a member of the Score HD Website. The network of Score is far reaching. They are without a doubt, one of the largest big tit networks on the internet today. If your really wanting the whole kit and caboodle, I would highly suggest joining Scoreland and Score HD. No, I am not trying to get you to spend a zillion bucks for a subscription, I am just trying to prevent you from being disappointed when you really want a set ,or movie of your favorite model and you need to join another site to get it.

Score has a huge online store, with over 400 Exclusive DVD’s for the taking, for 40 – 50 bucks a pop. So you can, if you wish, buy them for an additional price inside. Back to the site, there is a magazine area that goes all the way back to 1992. Clicking which ever magazine for whatever year, gets you every pictorial that was in the magazine at the time of print! Cool huh! Flip on over to the special galleries, there are over 80 Special Issues that you can click and surf and download. It’s about an hour and a half just to go through that area. There is also a Score TV area in which, yes, they have they’re own studio, you can watch 25 plus minute episodes where they interview big tit stars and also go through whats happening in the big, beautiful world of Score! I estimate that this site alone has over 400Gb. of downloadable content. That is just ridiculous. As a member, you also get access to mini solo girl sites. These sites aren’t huge, but there are at least 20 or more mixed video and photosets for you to enjoy as a bonus. The trailers are from the Score HD website, yes, the movies on the Scoreland website are standard definition and are actually great quality, encoded in .mov or .wmv files.

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